Baseball Wiki

Porterfield Porterfield 30 June 2011

Nut-Free Night at the Ballpark

Imagine being a kid again, obsessed with America's favorite pastime. When your chance comes to go to a ball game, you're not allowed. Doctors orders. You've got an extreme allergy to peanuts.

It sounds absurd, but this scenario occurs more often than you would think. About 1% of the population is allergic to peanuts, causing 10 deaths per year in the U.S. alone. Unfortunately for the affected, peanuts are the staple food of baseball. Hot dogs and beer have their place, but one cannot got to a baseball game without walking all over peanut shells and coming into contact with peanut dust in the air. It's an absolute tragedy for that 1% of America's youth.

Luckily, times are changing. Approximately half of MLB teams are now hosting at least one …

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